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At Pedal Mafia, we take pride in delivering authentic, high-quality products that represent our brand’s values. To ensure you’re getting the real deal, always shop directly through our official website,, or from trusted retail partners we’ve approved.
Unfortunately, there are counterfeit websites and social media pages that pretend to represent us. These fake sites often steal our images, mimic our branding, and advertise deals that seem too good to be true—because they are. Many of these scams take payments without delivering any product or send poorly made knockoffs that don’t meet our standards.
Fake websites can be deceptive. Look out for these red flags:
If it doesn’t come from our official website or an authorized retailer, it’s not Pedal Mafia
Counterfeit products harm more than just our brand—they violate labor laws, fund illegal activities, and lack the quality and craftsmanship you expect from us. Buying authentic ensures you’re getting a product made with care, while also supporting ethical practices.
If you come across a website or ad that looks suspicious, or if you believe you’ve purchased a counterfeit product, we want to hear from you. Please contact us to report it to our customer service team with the following details:
Your input helps us protect our customers and take action against counterfeiters.
The only way to guarantee you’re getting authentic Pedal Mafia gear is to shop directly at Stick with us, and you’ll always be covered with the quality, authenticity, and service you deserve.